
Research Outputs


Ahmed M Sheir. “Interconnected Jewish Memory and History: Investigating Abrahamic Tradition and Longing for Jerusalem through Judaeo-Arabic Poetry from the Cairo Genizah” ( to submit to the Journal of the Middle East and Africa (submitted)

M. Imran Khan, “At Least Like a Dog Treat me” Says Not the Sufi: The Use of Animals in Poetry as Didactic Tools  (T-S Ar.40.204), Fragment of the Month, University of Cambridge Library, November 2023

Ahmed M Sheir. Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah: Historical Memory and Interfaith Relations,” APCG (2022) 

Mohamed A.H. Ahmed and Benjamin Outhwaite (2021) Bilingualism in Genizah Arabic Poetry: T-S NS 108.60. Fragment of the Month: May 2021 | Cambridge University Library

Mohamed. A.H. Ahmed (2021) Egyptian Arabic Proverbs in the Cairo Genizah, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts, Brill. 12 (2021) 115–130.


Conferences and Speaking Invitations

Benjamin Outhwaite and Ahmed Sheir, “Fire and the Cross: Christians and Christianity in Arabic Poetry from the Cairo Genizah, the Twelfth EAJS Congress. “Branching Out. Diversity of Jewish Studies,” Goethe-Universität Frankfurt,  Germany, 16th -20th July 2023

Ahmed Sheir,  “Jews’ Memory and History in Contact in the Medieval Mediterranean and the Middle East through Judaeo-Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah,” the 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, College of Arts and Sciences, Western Michigan University, Michigan, Kalamazoo, USA: 12th  May 2023.

Ahmed Sheir, “The Cairo Genizah Arabic Poetry: A Shared Cultural and Historical Space,” the Halqa arabiyya/Kolloquium Wissenschaftsarabisch, Centre of  Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 27th April 2023.

Mohamed A. H. Ahmed. A Survey of Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah. APCG Workshop “Arabic Poetry from the Cairo Genizah: A Shared Literary Space?”, International Academic City in Dubai, 6th – 7th March 2023.

M. Imran Khan, Wisdom Poetry: A Review of Qur’anic Tropes in Hebrew Letters (Dubai, March 2023)

Ahmed Sheir, “Poetic Representation of the Three Abrahamic Faiths in the Cairo Genizah,”  Exhibition and Workshop of the Hidden Literature: Genizah Arabic Poetry as a Judaeo-Islamic Heritage,  Dubai International Academic City, Dubai, UAE: 6th -7th  March 2023.

Mohamed A. H. Ahmed & Ben Outhwaite. Invited speakers to the public talk: “The Cairo Genizah as a Treasury of Arabic Literature”, 27th of February 2023, The NYUAD Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE:

M. Imran Khan, Animals as Exemplary Teachers in Islamic Traditions: from Zoomorphic Considerations to Instruction in the Mundus Imaginalis (Paris, November 2022)

M. Imran Khan, Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah (London, Poster Presentation, November 2022)

Ahmed Sheir, “Premodern Jewish Memory and History in Contact through Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah,” Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa, Washington Georgetown Marriott Hotel, Washington, D.C, USA, 5th -7th Nov. 2022.

M. Imran Khan, Judaeo-Islamic Virtue Ethics in the Cairo Genizah (Berlin, September 2022)

Mohamed A. H. Ahmed & Ben Outhwaite. Bilingualism in Genizah Arabic Poetry. 34th Deutscher Orientalistentag at Freie Universität Berlin from 12th to 17th September 2022.

Ahmed Sheir, “Jewish Voices in Medieval and Pre-modern Middle East through Genizah Poetry,” The 34th Conference of the Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 12th -17th Sept. 2022.

Ahmed Sheir, “Sub-project Two of the “APCG”: How to Write a Sociocultural History through Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah,” Workshop: History and Anthropology Through Literature: Approaches and Methodologies to the Study of Medieval and Modern Texts and Manuscripts, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 15th July 2022.

Mohamed. A.H. Ahmed. The Cairo Genizah and Arabic Literature: Kalila wa-Dimna as an Example, Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education Online Middle Eastern Studies Webinar. 27 January 2022: Join the Online Webinar Series – Al-Maktoum College (

Mohamed. A.H. Ahmed. The Cairo Genizah and Arabic Literature: Kalila wa-Dimna as an Example, Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – AnonymClassic, Freie Universität Berlin. 02 December 2021.

Mohamed. A.H. Ahmed. Present the project in the Canadian Society for Jewish Studies Annual Conference: online, May 2-7, 2021.

Benjamin Outhwaite. ‘The rise of paper: a view from the Cairo Genizah’, Thinking Paper workshop, Cambridge, February 2021

Mohamed. A.H. Ahmed. “Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah”, presented at TLRH Coffee Morning Series, Trinity College Dublin. Feb. 2, 2021.

Mohamed. A.H. Ahmed. Presenting in the conference “Segundo Simposio de la Asociación Española para el Estudio de Textos Sagrados (Judaísmo, Cristianismo e Islam) AETS”, on the 10th December 2020.

Mohamed. A.H. Ahmed. Invited Keynote Speaker, Building Bridge Symposium 2020, Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education, Dundee. Keynote title: “Hidden Literature: Arabic Poetry as a Judaeo-Islamic Heritage”. Thursday 12th November 2020.


Q&A Wednesday: Arabic Poetic Literature with Mohamed Ahmed, 09 June, 2021
Melonie Schmierer-Lee of the Genizah Research Unit interviews Mohamed Ahmed about his current fragement study, T-S AR.42.8.